Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tumor Marker Saga Continues

Here is a quick update on my screening appointment. My CEA tumor marker blood test is up again. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this test, but my oncologist, despite the limitations, doesn't feel ready to give it up. Four months ago, it registered 3.1 (normal is 3.0 max). Then two months ago, it dropped to 2.9. On Friday, Dr. Kohn said it was 3.2. Yes, there are benign (non-cancerous) reasons and unknown reasons why this particular marker can rise. It's sort of a "check engine" light on my car's dashboard, though, and should be investigated further to make sure it's not something serious. On April 15th, I'm scheduled for a breast MRI and another blood test. In our last appointment, my doctor discussed how I was in the gray area on whether I should alternate my diagnostic screening between mammograms and MRIs. My concern with MRIs is the high level of false positives that happen, remembering the three extra biopsies I endured the last time I had a MRI. Dr. Kohn agreed that 's the downside,but because of my elevated blood marker, she leans toward going this route. I told her I'll defer to her judgement. I'm not excited about it, but hopefully a clear MRI will put any fears (at least for now) at ease.

My white blood count and potassium levels are low, too. She isn't too concerned with the white blood count, especially since tamoxifen can affect that. Not sure what could cause a drop in potassium. The last time I was at this level was when I was undergoing chemo. She is recommending that I eat an abundance of bananas and oranges to help raise the level. The rest of my blood counts are good, including a different tumor marker test and my liver functions.

I'm feeling great. My shoulder is continuing to improve. Walt has started walking with me at night, which helps me fit it into my busy schedule.Baseball has started, which adds to the already hectic job of running the kids around. As much as I don't like losing an hour in the morning, having more light at night will be a blessing in lots of ways.

So, the plan now is to continue walking, choosing healthy foods, and trusting God. He knows what is going on with each of my cells, and as I lean into Him, I know He will provide the strength to get through each step. For now, I'll focus on each day and not think about April 15th's test. Thanks for your prayers, and I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Screening Time Again

It's hard for me to believe how fast the time flies between my screening appointments. It seems like yesterday that I was awaiting the results of my latest blood test. Yet, it's been two months. Tomorrow I go in for another blood draw and will meet with my oncologist on Friday. Of course I'll let you know the results, but in the meantime, I would appreciate your prayers. Thanks again for running this race with me.