Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Yeah for Normal

Just woke up from a long nap after my colonoscopy today. The doctor said I was normal...or at least my colon is. Such a good feeling to be told I won't need another one for ten years. Everyone knows the prep work for this screening is the pits, The hardest part of the laxative is the volume of liquid that must be consumed. Drinking it through a straw and sucking on a lemon after made it go down pretty easily I didn't sleep for the procedure, but I'm noticing that I'm forgetting details. I'm sure that's the drug's side effect..I was thankful my appointment was early in the morning so I could immediately come home, eat a huge bowl of my homemade granola, yogurt and blueberries....then head to bed. I could go back to sleep again now, but I want to be able to sleep tonight so I'm forcing myself to stay awake. Time for a bit of mindless TV. The one nice thing about the test is I don't feel guilty about laying around today.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Update

It's been over a month since my last post. To be honest, it's been a nice break! No news means no news. It's been life, lived with lots of laughter, fun, and ordinary days. It's been a great summer. I guess that almost anything different from how last summer went would be considered great, but this really has been a wonderful summer. Normal life is pretty amazing.

The summer has flown by. It took me a few days of denying it before I could shift gears to at least start planning for next school year. Walt and I took a short but wonderful trip to Skamania Lodge on the Columbia River Gorge while the kids were away at church camp. The kids had a fabulous time, and so did we. We went on a dinner cruise, golfed, played tennis and hiked. We also found a bit of time to read and relax, but since our time was so short, we wanted to experience as much as possible in our time away.

When we got back, it took me several days to realize our long-awaited vacation was over, and that life is still moving and I was so much closer to a busy fall scheduled. Like I said, I need to reconcile that in my brain. Last week I spent several hours trying to finish up Becca's High School transcripts for her freshman year, put away old curriculum, throw out things we won't need anymore and restock her cabinet with new supplies and books. I still have the boys' boxes to go through, but it feels good to get these accomplished.

Walt and Nathan completed a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday. It was Nathan's last requirement for his cycling merit badge. Ben and I met them in Arlington with lunch. They got to the halfway point earlier than expected, so they turned around and came south to meet us. After a bit of difficulty in figuring out which park they were at, Ben and I finally found them.
Walt and Ben goofing around after lunch 
Ben proud of his older brother

I was supposed to meet them back at Snohomish. I wanted to get a picture of them crossing the finish line. Walt said that it'll probably take them longer because they had some hills to climb on the way back. Ben and I did a bit of shopping, and since it was earlier than the agreed upon time, I dropped him off at home so he could play with a friend. Of course, since I was home, I took time to do a few dishes and start a load of laundry... Before I knew it, Walt called and said they were in Snohomish. I missed them again! Taking Becca this time, we drove into Snohomish to greet the tired but happy cyclists. Nathan has worked hard accomplishing this merit badge. Walt was an amazing support for him. Very proud of them!

At the start

My hair is growing back quite nicely. I'm starting to enjoy my curls. On Sunday (when I started this post) I took a picture of me with my new phone.

Tomorrow I'll return, hopefully briefly, to the medical testing world. It's the oh-so-fun colonoscopy. I've given up my favorite foods for days (no nuts, seeds, berries, granola, fresh fruit and veggies), and tonight I'm halfway through the huge liquid drink that helps me cleanse my colon. While the taste isn't the best thing I've ever had, it is tolerable. Actually, better than expected. Since my appointment is at 8 a.m. tomorrow, I need to set my alarm for 2 a.m. to finish drinking the second half. I should probably get to sleep, but I'm waiting to make sure that my trips to the bathroom in round one have finished.

I'll be so glad when the procedure is over tomorrow and I get to eat a nice, big bowl of my homemade granola! Later in the week we are getting away for a few days to a cabin near Mount Baker. Walt and I won this in a fundraising auction. We are grateful for the chance to get away as a family (with friends) to have some fun before school starts. God is good for blessing us in this way. Life is good. We are thankful.