Last April (oops, it was really January!), I stood at the check out counter at the oncology clinic, making an appointment for an MRI and blood draw. My calendar noted it was the kids' last day of school, June 12. (Because of a one day teacher walkoff, their last day of school is technically June 15th now, but no one I know is sending their kids on Monday.) It's amazing that tonight I'm sitting on the eve of that day that seemed so far away, looking at how fast the time went. The kids have taken numerous tests, written several papers and made presentations in class. The dreaded end-of-course exams, including Becca taking a biology test even though she hadn't studied the subject in over a year, are finished. Tonight, Becca is completely done with all her finals and for the first night in ages, she doesn't have to finish up school work for any class. Nathan has one small test tomorrow. While I am at my appointments, Ben will finish the bit of grammar he has left, the other two will be saying goodbye to teachers and friends, participate in a crossover assembly, and then come home to a whole summer break stretched before them. It's truly remarkable that we are already at this day. I wish we could celebrate it other than by me lying in an MRI tube. Oh, well. Such is life.
Of course, I'm praying that my tests are benign, and that alone will make a great celebration. I first have my blood draw and then will head down the hall to imaging and wait for my MRI appointment. It's been a year since I was here for an MRI, but this is also the same place where I had my thyroid tests last fall. I won't find out the blood test results until I meet with my oncologist next Friday, but I recall receiving a phone call regarding my MRI results last year.
I've really felt God's peace this week. I am amazed that I haven't felt one ounce of dread or worry as this day approached. I know God will be there with me, I know He has a plan and already knows the answers to whether the radiologist will see anything tomorrow. Let's hope this is just another test checked off my list, and not the beginning of something bigger or scarier. It's just a test, I remind myself, and afterwards, we can truly welcome in our summer break.
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