Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thyroid Uptake Scan Scheduled (Finally)

After waiting on a fax to reach the right department (who uses faxes anymore-besides my endocrinologist's office?), I finally scheduled my scan for the thyroid. Because I ate fish last night, I needed to wait a week before I could have the procedure. So on Monday, September 29th, I will arrive at 9:45 am at the hospital for a scan, then come back again at 4pm for another one. Then on the 30th, I am required to come back in at 10 for a third scan. The scheduler mentioned it would take about an hour on the first day (not sure if that is both times I go in or combined) and about 5 minutes for the second day. That's a lot of driving for such a short time. It reminds me of my daily jaunts for radiation back in the fall of 2012.

Hopefully, after all this driving and time away from my normal schedule, the scan will reveal exactly what our next step is for my thyroid. Prayers for a benign, easy to manage condition would be appreciated. No matter what, I know if God has brought me to this, He'll see me through it.

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