Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Mountain of Paperwork explanation of benefits...letters approving or denying medical procedures...

I spent the whole morning paying bills (of course every Evergreen Hospital bill comes with a different account number so I need to enter a separate account for each one), organizing paperwork, wondering what I should save or not, trying to figure out what exactly our flex-plan account needs for paperwork so we can be reimbursed (need to wait on Walt to see if he received an email on that since we haven't heard on our previous claim...) For a family who rarely has any medical bills, this is a bit overwhelming. All my extra biopsies and my surgeries just add to the flow of paperwork.  I do hope that once I start chemo, the amount of paperwork slows down, but since nothing in this journey is a straight line, I have a feeling there will be other procedures or professionals or labs that will also get billed.

Enough complaining. Now, let me tell you what I am thankful for:

* that we have good insurance and enough of a padding in savings to pay the coinsurance amounts

*that I have a wonderful, supportive husband with a good job for the good insurance

* that I have good doctors who have walked alongside me

*that I can take one day at a time, one moment at a time, and enjoy each one to the fullest

*that in Jesus, I can face uncertainty with perfect Peace (John 16:33)

* that I am done sorting through paperwork at least for this weekend and I am heading out to the sun with my green tea and a good book!


Tonya said...

Praying for you daily sweet lady. Have a wonderful weekend!

Linda said...

Thanks, Tonya. What a wonderful meal you brought on Friday! The kids are still relishing the chocolate pie. Your prayers and friendship are so appreciated!