Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First Radiation Boost

Today went quicker than expected. I had prepared Nathan for the possibility that he could be in the study hall the whole hour after his last class. I had no idea how long today's appointment would take. Probably because I prepared for the worse, the appointment went quickly.

My early Christmas present was that I didn't need a final tattoo. Suffice it to say, a sticker works better in the particular area where a tattoo would have gone. Janet crudely drew an outline of Argentina on my skin, which is my new field of radiation. Dr. Hunter said that, as he's mentioned before, I'm probably cured, but if the cancer were to come back, it would most likely come back in the area where the original tumor was. So, the technician draws a field about three inches long around this site. While the original radiation used photon beams (x-rays) , this boost radiation uses electrons. The electrons allow for a more targeted, shallower range so less tissue is involved. On the drive home, Nathan explained to me what he learned from last year's physical science class on protons, neutrons and electrons. He would get such a kick out of seeing the radiation equipment and watching how they measure and run the machines.

Once everything was set up with exact measurements, I was drawn on a bit more and remeasured, and then Nicole took a film. This time I knew it happened only because of the sound of the machine. Then the treatment started. I knew the machine was running because of the buzzing sound, but I felt out of the loop. When I first started radiation, I was disappointed and a bit worried about having to use the breathing technique each time. Today I sort of missed it. Before I felt like I was participating in the treatment that was going to keep cancer away. Today I was more of a passive observer, letting the technicians communicate and run the machines without my involvement. Okay, the beautifully painted ceiling with twinkling stars was nice to enjoy as I lay on the table, I must admit. Since I only have eight more visits, I think I can handle hanging out under the stars and not worry about anything. Or I could work on my to-do lists in my head. Or think of scripture. Maybe sing some Christmas songs. Yup, I think it'll be just fine.

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