With Ben's hair, we can easily grab several inches of hair. Mine is still less than an inch but is growing thicker and longer every day.
Here's a picture of me and my new hat and scarf:
The first time I wore this, no one mentioned if they liked them or not. It's a bit different than what I usually wear, so I wondered if it worked or not. Yesterday I got several compliments from strangers. I think most of the people I see frequently are so used to me wearing hats that they don't notice them anymore. I'm still having fun with my hats, but now I'm going through a transition time. As my hair starts to come back, every day I wonder if I should put on the scarf, too. Most of my regular hats are still a bit big on my head, so a scarf helps them stay in place. Plus, when it's cold, it gives me an extra layer of warmth. The scarf came in handy to cover the bald spots around my ears and neck, but now that I have a bit of hair coming back, it's not as necessary anymore. I still like wearing hats, which is a blessing since watching hair grow isn't one of my favorite spectator sports.
Yesterday, Becca and I went shopping. She's fighting a cold and I usually don't enjoy shopping, so we had all the makings for a miserable afternoon. Instead, we had a blast. We were looking for a few things for our upcoming trip to Florida. We ran into some sales and Becca got a couple cute tops. I tried on a pair of jeans from the clearance rack. They didn't have the size I thought I wore, but for the fun of it, I tried one size smaller. As I pulled on the pants, expecting them to be too tight, I gloriously slid them on! I immediately knocked on Becca's dressing room door and told her to take a look. She tried not to roll her eyes as I did a little victory dance. The last time I was in this size was pre-kids, many years ago. It made my day!
I mentioned to a friend of mine the other day how easy it has been to lose weight. Some might think it's the chemo, but most people actually gain weight on breast cancer chemo. I was one of the exceptions when I lost weight. Most of the weight I've lost, however, has been before and after the nausea-inducing chemo when I made an effort to eat healthfully. It hasn't been any one big thing that has helped me, but lots of little things. I feel like I eat a lot, but most of my plate is filled with vegetables. I snack on fruit and nuts, although I do have a weakness for tortilla chips. Even with that I've enjoyed experimenting with the wide array of unique tortilla chips (quinoa and beans, etc.) and eat them with hummus or salsa. I have tried to be intentional about eating sweets. I avoid them as much as possible, but when I choose to eat dessert, I take a small piece and enjoy every bite.
It's the same with my walks. My focus isn't to burn off calories, but to get my blood flowing, strengthen my heart, and work my muscles. I don't give myself an out, no matter the weather or how I feel. It's so easy to take a long walk on a nice sunny day, especially when I have a friend along. On days like today when it's cold and rainy, it's a lot harder to make myself go. Today the boys were debating on whether they wanted to brave the rain to go work on baseball skills. We had planned to walk up to the high school together and then I would either walk the track or go off to get in my miles. We should have gone out earlier when the rain briefly stopped, but now, it was coming down in sheets. My window of daylight was growing small, so I headed out (with Sugar, who doesn't mind getting wet). Walt and the boys waited to see if they could catch another break in the rain or find some cover at a school. Once I got up the hill at the high school, the rain actually slowed to a drizzle. I then decided to add in a few neighborhoods to my loop. I thought I had escaped the rain when the clouds opened up again. We were on the way home, fortunately, so Sugar and I only got slightly drenched. We walked for over an hour, and now Sugar is napping on her bed by the fireplace. Even on days like today, I enjoy my walks. Today I actually jogged a little, but for the most part, I like walking. Plus, with the hills around here, it's a pretty good workout. One thing I've learned, though, is exercise is easier to fit in to my days if it's something I enjoy.
My last random thought for today, is about running my race with God. As I reviewed James for my bible study tomorrow, I was struck by how important it is for me to connect with God whether I feel like I need Him or not. Everything in my life, the good and the bad, is important to God. I like how Beth Moore writes, "We will run our race on one leg if we only engage with God in our suffering or sickness." Every detail of my day belongs to God since He is the author of my life. Because I like her words on this, I want to end my post with larger quote from the study:
"If we are willing, God is our song when we are happy, our escape when we are tempted, our hope when we're despairing, our joy in tribulation, our strength in weakness, and our immortality in dying. Ultimately, He Himself is our health." All I can say is, Amen!