Saturday, April 27, 2013

Taking a Deep Breath

Yesterday was a banner day for our family. I went back in for a mammogram and everything looks stable. I'll go back in six months to monitor things, but for now, I'm praising God for a chance to celebrate another day of good health. Walt also landed a huge client this week, so last night we went out to dinner to celebrate God's blessings on our family. Last year, between my cancer and his job, it was a rough year for both of us. It's so nice to have some breathing room in our lives.

I just finished reading A Book of Days by James Rubert. While the book was so-so, the premise was interesting. If you could access a book that would tell you the future, would you want to know? I wouldn't. I look back at my journal from the early days of 2012 and am thankful that I had no idea thehealth challenge that was lurking around the corner. Instead, I enjoyed my days loving my family, teaching the kids, celebrating the boys' birthdays, getting ready for another season of Little League baseball, and driving Becca to all her activities. When I found out on April 20th that we were undergoing a divine interruption, I'm thankful that God provided exactly what we needed each moment of every day for the rest of the year and beyond. Taking one step at a time, focusing on the moment, praying about everything was how we navigated 2012. If I knew on January 1 what our year ahead would offer, I would have wasted all the moments before worrying about what was ahead.

As I am basking in the peace of my clear mammogram, I know that with cancer, I can never be sure that there won't be a test down the road that will come back with scary news. There could also be decades of clean health. I don't know what the future holds. I do know Who holds my future. I'm thankful  that God has a book of days that He records every moment--past, present and future. He knows what my days ahead will be like. He promises He will provide the strength to walk each step with Him. Right now, and tomorrow, and as long as I can, I am breathing deeply in the  knowledge that God's plan for me and our family is good.

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