Monday, September 23, 2013

Busy Monday

Another busy week has started. I realized last week that taking the kids to Connections (our homeschool co-op) twice in a day, helping the kids with school before and after my trips, and then going to Scouts with Nathan in the evening was too much for me. Although I am feeling strong and in some ways even healthier than before my diagnosis, I still run out of gas quickly. I need to be careful how much I put on my plate each day.

Tonight was Nathan's Court of Honor at Scouts, and as much as I would have liked  to be there to encourage him, I had to say no. Walt didn't have an elder board meeting tonight, so he was able to go. I plan on going to the next one, when he'll hopefully have put together the final requirements for his next rank.  So I just drove Nathan down to the school and returned home while it was still light out.  I helped Becca a bit on her history essay, ate a huge salad and brussels sprouts (instead of the hamburger and hot dog meal for the Court of Honor), and in a few minutes, will spend the rest of my evening reading a book, Kensuke's Kindom, with Ben. He could easily read this book by himself, but we look forward to sharing this great story each day.

This coming Thursday will be my one-year anniversary of my last chemo treatment. I think back at how I felt last year at this time, not quite recovering from my previous treatment, very anemic and tired. Yes, I feel very strong compared to how I felt then. One blogger I read said she had heard that it takes about 13 months after the end of chemo to fully recover. It's easy to forget how sick I was, how much damage the chemo did, and how important it is to take care of myself when I feel pretty good. Thirteen months puts m around Halloween. I'm looking forward to seeing if I feel stronger, able to extend out my day a bit longer, by then.n.

For now, I'll head upstairs for some reading and then hit the hay. Tomorrow will come way too fast otherwise.

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