I love the colors of fall. Often our skies are gray and our leaves our soggy this time of year. This afternoon, as I set out for my walk, I took a moment to take pictures. Today was one of those brilliant, fall days, just a note of coolness in the midst of vivid colors. It's amazing what you see when you take a moment to look. 
I think we can learn that about God, too. When I take a moment to look, I see Him. I feel His presence. I know He is real. I don't want to rush through my days and miss Him.
We just got finished watching the Seahawks game. Becca went to senior high youth group, but got home to celebrate the win. I love times when we are all together. Sugar misses Becca when she's gone.
Last Saturday, Ben had the opportunity to sub for Nathan's soccer team. Because of guys out sick and other commitments, Nathan's team had only 10 players. Ben was sitting on the sidelines, having just finished his game. Since he still had on his uniform and cleats, the coach asked him if he would play the second half. With a bit of encouragement, Ben agreed. The picture below was taken right before the second half, with Nathan giving his brother a last minute word of advice as they went out to the field together. Together. That has such a nice sound to it! It was so much fun watching the boys play on the same field. Ben did amazing, playing with the older boys. Nathan couldn't have been prouder of his brother. I'm so glad I didn't miss it.
Last night I took Becca up to the high school to watch our friends play on the freshman football team. I could only stay for part of the first half because I needed to be home for a phone call. At the time I left, the team was losing. When Becca came home, I asked her how badly they lost. She laughed and said, "They won!" Our friend had a big interception in the game. I wish I could have been there!
The reason I needed to be home was I agreed to take part in a research project put on by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research. The study is called the Bravo Study, and it involved 1600 breast cancer survivors from the Seattle area and about 800 survivors from New Mexico. I was asked all kinds of questions related to my health, doctor visits, birth control use, smoking, drinking, family history, pregnancies... the interview lasted over an hour. It took most of my brain cells to remember my doctors from as far back as 1994, but with some digging on the internet and looking through medical records, I was able to recall their names. Some of the prescriptions I used, when I started and stopped, wasn't as clear, though. So many things happen in life, not to mention chemo and such, that I hope I recalled everything accurately. It was a nice trip through my memory, trying to pinpoint this doctor with how old my kids were at the time, or that doctor who prescribed birth control when I got married. At the end, I agreed to provide a test tube full of my saliva for them to use for DNA purposes. I also signed a bunch of forms, allowing them access to my records and tissue samples. As I was talking with the interviewer, I discovered that the hospital keeps all cancerous tumors on file. They will give out only so much of the tissue to ensure there will always be some tissue remaining. It is strange to think that my cancerous tumor is still around in some medical records somewhere. Hopefully something I said or something in my background or saliva will be a link in the long chain of scientific research on finding what caused my and so many others cancers.
This morning, during my devotional time, I read how often we try to find peace in things when it is found only in a Person. The Peace of God. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippines 4:7. Peace. Not worry. Not being anxious about anything. Not worrying about my upcoming doctor's appointment and mammogram. Finding true peace, not in how I am feeling but in the truth of God. Making sure I don't miss God in my moments.
That's a summary of my thoughts for tonight. Football, fall colors, friends, brothers, hoping for a cure, and most of all, the Peace of God.
Your words, so full of beauty. Inspired. Tears of love, hope and gratefulness from our Father, fall sweetly. Thank you.
Thank you for your sweet words, Laura. Gratefulness from our Father, yes, but also of a friendship renewed on Facebook! Hope you have an amazing Saturday.
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