Monday, July 16, 2012

Getting Back to Normal

Today, Monday, was the first day of VBS for our church, the first time since Ben was a baby that I didn't help out in any capacity. Instead, just like most of the moms, I signed Ben into his class (I can't believe he's a 5th grader this year), stayed to chat with a few friends and watch worship, and left. Okay, I have to admit, it was nice not having the pressure of planning for a class this year. Energy-wise, I probably could have done it as I'm starting to feel better. My main concern right now, however, is germs. I hope my white blood cell is starting to recover, but last Thursday it was really low. So all those amazing kids that were dropped off at the church this morning are really germ-carrying creatures that I need to avoid to prevent from getting sick. That's why I couldn't help with the fun this year.

Instead, I met my friend Sandra in Mill Creek and we walked the North Creek Trail behind the Towne Center. She ran into another mom from church at Starbucks who also joined us. The morning started cool, so I only put on sunscreen on my face, hands and calves. As sun came out, though, I started warming up in my jacket, but since my arms didn't have sunscreen, I chose to keep it on. The other day I put sunscreen on my hands, but missed a spot on a knuckle, and that one spot got burnt. I don't remember being in the sun very long either. My skin is so sensitive to the sun I  have to be careful, especially since I can't fight infections right now.

It felt so good to walk this morning, although I feel like I'm not as strong as I was at this point in my last cycle. I think the white blood booster shot and the soreness in my bones contributed to my slower recovery. Or it could be the accumulated effect of the drugs or my dehydration and the heat. Either way, I feel more wiped out at this point.  But, I was able to walk the whole trail (minus the loop we take around the park since I didn't want to overdo it), and then we stopped at Starbucks for some hydration and fuel. I don't like the taste of coffee (hot or cold) right now, but I tried one of their new Lime Refresher drinks. It was delicious! It's nice to have a drink I can have when I meet a friend at Starbucks, at least until I get tired of that.

Ben had a friend come home with him from VBS since Nathan and Becca scattered to other friend's houses. I was both tired and hungry for lunch by the time we left the church that I decided to treat them at our favorite hamburger/sandwich place on the way home. Unfortunately, it was closed on Monday. We settled on Subway instead. The boys decided on their sandwiches quickly, but after analyzing the menu, I decided not to risk it. I was worried about the ingredients. My doctor warned me against buffet-style food, and I wondered if a sandwich shop would also fit into this category. I think I can have deli meat heated up, but I didn't feel like having any of the meat. The veggie sandwich looked good, but then I had no idea if it would taste good to me. Even though I was starving, I decided to wait and figure out something to make at home. It's just another subtle way living with chemo changes the way I roll with life, being careful what I eat and how my food is prepared.

The rest of the afternoon flew by. I'd put in a load of laundry, and then take a break. Fold and  put away those clothes, and take another break. Around 2, I realized I was feeling slightly nauseous and realized I hadn't taken my anti-nausea pill today. The good news was I didn't need it until 2. The bad news was I still needed it. I'm hoping by tomorrow I can go the whole day without one, but I will take one if necessary.

Ben's friend went home, and we sat on the front porch for a while as he read me Hank the Cowdog. I love these stories and I love even more hearing Ben reading them to me. Then the neighbor boy came by to play some basketball with Ben, and he was off, enjoying his summer day as I am mine. Taking each day as it comes, trying to not think of tomorrow, finding joy and peace in the moment. God's mercies truly are new every morning.

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