Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Graduation Day!

That's what my family is calling today, the day I got my port removed. The procedure went well, quicker than I expected. I'm glad I decided to do it with just a local anesthesia. It was nice to see the doctor doing his job for once! (I was sleeping the other two times he operated on me.) The nurse asked if I wanted the port for "show and tell." I declined. Other than when Dr. Clinch shot me full of the numbing solution, I didn't feel any pain. I did feel tugging, and while I tried not to look at what was being done, I could see out of the corner of my eye Dr. Clinch pulling out the long tubing from my chest. I also saw him put in the stitches. The nurse was really sweet, holding my hand during the painful injections and talking to me about her garden. I told her I was good at growing weeds, which got a chuckle from both of them. Then it was over and I was walked into recovery where I received my after-care information. I was told to limit my activity for 24 hours and not do anything strenuous for at least 2 days.   Lydia, my mother-in-law, came with me to keep me company. I even felt well enough afterwards for a quick trip to my favorite grocery store, Trader Joes.

My surgery was at 9 a.m,, and as I write this, it's about 5 and I feel sleepy. The pain is settling in on my shoulder and neck. I'm so thankful for my friend Wendy who is able to pick up my kids for a youth activity tonight. Even my nephew David will join them as they gather in the church to watch Star Wars. Everyone else but Lydia and I will be gone, so I'm looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet.

This was my last big step in my journey, what I hope is the period on the end of treatment. I know there's no guarantees and every day I will be trusting God for whatever He has planned. I know He will be there, no matter what that means. My extended family gave me roses and a sweet card to celebrate my graduation. When I feel better, I look forward to celebrating being without my port on the golf course soon.

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