Sunday, July 14, 2013


My hair continues to grow in curly--lots of crazy, unmanageable curls. I always loved the look of curls on other people's heads. Now that I have the curls, I'm not so crazy about them on me. First of all, it's so different from my old hair. I hardly recognize my reflection in the mirror. I've been getting quite a few compliments on my hair, but mostly from friends who know of my battle with chemo baldness. Last year at this time, my hair had recently fallen out. When I went out in public with my hat and scarf, I found myself looking into people's eyes to gauge their reactions. As the months rolled by, I no longer cared how people saw me, because I grew comfortable in my wide assortment of hats. I had no bad hair days. I'd choose a scarf, top it with a hat, and be done. Mornings were easy! Even though I couldn't wait for my hair to grow in, I have to admit that getting ready is a lot more complicated than before. Every morning I now wet down my unruly hair, add a bit of moisturizing cream to prevent frizz, gel down my bangs so they aren't so bouncy (trying to avoid the grandma curls), scrunch up the curls on this side, wet them down again on the other side. Everyday is a new adventure and I never know how it will look. I again catch myself peering at strangers, trying to appraise their reaction to my short hair.  (No, I didn't choose to have my hair this short, I want to say). Just like I grew comfortable in my hats and no longer cared what others felt, I know I'll feel that way soon with my hair. I may even get used to my curls, especially as my hair grows longer. Maybe I'll fall in love with them just as my hair switches back to it's normal texture. It would serve me right for complaining!

My friend Sandra has even given me some pointers on what to do with the curls. She said first of all, don't fight them. Don't try to straighten, brush or blow dry my hair. It will only cause my hair to frizz. (She's exactly right on that!) She told me about the moisturizing creme for curls. I'm looking forward to each stage my hair grows into, and probably will have to navigate a learning curve on what to do with my hair next. Maybe my curls will stick around. Maybe my old hair will grow back or come back. Who knows? Even if it's not my same old hair, at least it is hair. In my bible study today, we talked about the importance of keeping our focus on what we have instead of what we don't.  I may not have my old, longer hair, but today, I have hair. Crazy, curly, unruly hair. But hair. For that, I'm thankful. Really, truly thankful.

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