Thursday, October 9, 2014

Moderately Elevated

Finally, I decided to be proactive and call my endocrinologist to see what I could find out about the thyroid uptake scan. The receptionist mentioned that the doctor just mailed a letter to me today with the results. Would I like her to read what it says over the phone? Yes, you better believe I do!

Basically, she read that my thyroid levels were moderately elevated. The right-side nodule, the one that grew, is unlikely to shrink with medicine since it absorbed very little of the iodine. His plan is for me to check back in with him in 6 months, unless it grows so large that it interferes with swallowing or speaking. She said I should be receiving the actual letter tomorrow or Saturday. I thanked her profusely and hung up. No biopsy. No surgery. No new medication. My day got so much brighter in those moments on the phone.

God has been so faithful. Even before the call, I grabbed onto the peace I knew He'd willingly give to me. Tests, as  my kids will agree, are hard, yet they also bring me closer to God as I lean into His word and prayer. So in that respect, they are good.

After my long post the other day where I wrote about letting go of things, I took out my Jesus Calling devotional and read this: "In order to hear my voice, you must release all your worries into My care. Entrust to Me everything that concerns you...Let Me free you from fear that is hiding deep inside you..."

Perfect timing. Perfect words. Perfect encouragement.  I've gone through this devotional twice, and even though currently I don't read it every day, from time to time I'll grab it and read what the day's devotional is. Most times, God uses Young's words to speak directly to my soul.

Sometimes it causes me to wince because it hits too close to home. Like today's: "You have been on a long, uphill journey... Though you have faltered at times, you  have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay lose to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain..."

I wish I could say, nope, that doesn't apply to me. Unfortunately, it is too true. Instead of complaining to others (usually it's not about my health but other things--but still complaints), I need to shut that door against the deadly sins of self-pity and rage. Instead of grumbling, I need to turn to God and talk it out. I want His thoughts in my mind and His song in my heart.

For today, the conversation is easy and sweet. I'm so thankful for the good news, for God's protection, for His presence during this journey.

Jeremiah 31:25

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”

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