Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today at lunch during our home school co-op, Nathan and his friend Jordan were discussing an article in the  World News Magazine about the use of steroids in baseball. I had to mention that I was on steroids today. Jordan looked a bit puzzled, and his mom added, "And when Mrs. Isler starts hitting tons of home runs during her baseball games, they'll start suspecting her of steroid use."

So funny! Steroids, I have to admit, are pretty cool. I have more energy than I've had during this whole chemo cycle. I think I took an extra Prilosec by mistake this morning, so my stomach is feeling pretty good, too. I don't have as much energy as I did the first couple of rounds where I did things like reorganize my closet or fridge or walk steep hills without tiring, on top of everything else I had going on during that pre-chemo day.  Today I had enough energy to get the kids to their co-op classes, work with Becca on her world history (very fun discussions!), help Ben and Nathan with math, make a trip to Target and the grocery store, grill hamburgers and salmon burgers for dinner, drive Becca to and from her youth group tonight, finish cleaning up the kitchen and washed the lettuce I bought at the store, and finally went through all the bills and mail. Today I also felt a sense of great power, perhaps a bit of euphoria, that all is well and  I can accomplish pretty much anything (through God's strength, of course), which is a great feeling heading into another round of chemo.

Now it's 11:40 and my body is wondering why I haven't crashed by 10, which is the norm during my chemo recovery. I'm wondering how to turn my brain off so I can get some sleep. This is the downside of steroids. I took a bath with lavender and Epsom salst and downed an Ativan which helps with insomnia. I'm also blogging, of course, which is one of my favorite things to do when I have the energy.

All I need now is a bit of sleep. Hopefully spending time in prayer and a bit of reading will help. Then it's on to the last chemo! I'll still be going in for weekly Herceptin infusions three more times, and then every three weeks for the rest of the year. While that is happening, I meet with my surgeon for a follow up, followed by 7 weeks of radiation. I am just now thinking through the next step, knowing that most of the hard part is over. Just one more week of feeling bad, followed by recovery that will only get better! Thanks again for all your prayers and support for me and my family during this time. It has been such a blessing!

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