Saturday, September 29, 2012


Yesterday my doctor called in a prescription for a potassium supplement. I was low in my last treatment cycle and tried to add more potassium-rich foods to my diet. That didn't work as well since I can't eat a lot of foods in general these days. So, besides continuing to add foods when I can, I need to swallow this big horse pill with food and lots of water. Some of the side effects, while rare, were scary so I waited for this morning to take the pill to be able to get to a doctor easier, if necessary. Fortunately, I was able to eat some food this morning and the ice water didn't taste so bad, so I got one of 14 pills down. One of the symptoms of low potassium is nausea, which is also one of the causes of it. Maybe, just maybe, this pill might help take the edge off the worst of the nausea.

For a Saturday after treatment, I'm feeling pretty good, relatively speaking. My muscles don't ache as much as they have been, which I think is a combination of rest and the added potassium. I'm still weak, but hopefully that will get better as I continue to recover from this cycle. Ben has pictures for soccer in about an hour and Becca is working at the barn. Later Ben has a soccer game, which I wish I go attend but will probably stay close to home today. I tend to feel worse as Saturday goes on, with my worst days Sunday and Monday. Then, as I start to feel bit better on Tuesday and Wednesday, I can start enjoying this last round of treatment!!! 

Starting October 8th, I have appointments set up for my next step. I'll see Dr. Hunter, my radiation oncologist who I first met when this journey began, on Monday afternoon. Then I have a followup with my surgeon on Tuesday afternoon. I have the day off on Wednesday (except for normal running around to our co-op and getting kids to practices and i-groups, etc.) and will be back in for Herceptin on Thursday morning. The following week, along with Herceptin, I'll have my first screening mammogram on Thursday the 18th. The last week of the month will begin my daily trips for radiation, but if all goes as planned, I'll be finished with that by mid-December. What a great Christmas present!

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