Friday, June 15, 2012

2nd Day

Today went pretty well. I have some lingering nausea, but between drinking ginger tea, getting some fresh air and exercise, and an anti-nausea pill earlier today, I'm managing this well. My energy level is pretty good. I was able to do some household chores, went on three short walks today (one with my friend Janice...thanks for the chat!), and the other two with Walt and Sugar (always fun to have him around during the day!)  Driving, riding in a car, and fresh broccoli aggravate the sickness, so I'll try to keep all those at a minimum. I think cooking my veggies will be the plan for now.

We went back in for a booster shot for my white blood cells this morning. Instead of waiting for my counts to drop, my oncologist wants to boost them before they do. The shot went into my stomach and the nurse said she heard it's less painful if she injects slowly. She was right. I hardly felt it. Tomorrow I go in for my second booster. The potential side effects for this is bone pain, but other than a few jolts in my knee and hip flexor, I'm doing really well. Sure has been comforting knowing I'm walking with God and nothing will surprise Him.

As for me, tomorrow may be a different story. I took my last dose of steroid this afternoon, so I won't have the energy boost I've been enjoying today. I am looking forward to walking with another friend, Susan, tomorrow. She may be the incentive I need to get off the couch when I don't have the energy otherwise. Nothing better than catching up with a friend as we tour the neighborhood on foot.

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