Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kindness, Part 2

I've been feeling so well lately, I haven't had time to blog. It's been a good few days, full of shopping with the kids, long walks with friends, and even seeing the movie, Brave, with Becca and Ben. If it weren't for my lack of taste, heightened sense of smell and need for frequent hand washing to get rid of germs, I could easily forget I'm undergoing chemo. Of course, that will change on July 5th when I undergo my second treatment.

I've been thinking of the kindnesses of people lately. As I've mentioned before, I have several friends in the area who are willing to run kids to different activities, bring a meal or baked goods, go for a walk, have my kids over and include them in fun activities. My sister and niece took time off work and juggled their schedules to come over to cook and clean and spend time together.

I also have family and friends who are not here locally, but they have reached out to me and my family in meaningful, important ways. I remember when my sister in Wisconsin was undergoing surgery and I felt helpless, wanting to help but not sure how. I made a lame attempt at sending her a fruit and nut basket or something like that. Going through this, I've seen how God has gifted people in giving to others. That same sister sent me a package that included a journal, blank thank you cards, hand sanitizer, powdered drink mix, and a card with the song, "You've Got a Friend,"  to encourage me. It was such a practical, loving gift.

My sister-in-law also shows how much she cares from a far. She frequently emails that she is praying for me. She has sent several cards, my favorite with the words, "Impossible is God's favorite word." I keep that in my bible to remind me that God has things safely under control, even when I feel like I'm in a whirlwind. Her daughter, Hannah, prays for me at every meal. I can imagine her sweet voice, asking God to make Auntie Linda better, and I'm touched. My mother-in-law has also sent beautiful cards of encouragement. In fact, I've received cards from family, high school friends, long-time friends of Walt's family, homeschooling friends, church friends, friends from so many circles. I will often take out the basket where I store every card I've received, and with tears streaming down my cheeks, reread each one, and feel encouraged by the kindnesses of so many.

I'm still amazed at how people think of things to do for us. After coming home from my first chemo treatment, we had flowers and books with cards left on our doorstep. Last Saturday one of my friends dropped off a gift of new pajama bottoms and comfy shirts for "my hard days." From the first day of my diagnosis when a group of friends came over with flowers and a latte and we prayed and cried together, to postings on Facebook from all over the US, to phone calls and gift baskets, I am overwhelmed. And blessed. My only fear is I've forgotten to recognize the kind effort of someone. I haven't been good at sending out thank yous, but know that each and every kindness that people have shown us, every encouraging word and hug, every prayer spoken on our behalf, are cherished and so appreciated. My prayer for each of you who have touched us in countless ways is that you will feel as blessed as we feel because of you. Because of God. Thank you. It doesn't seem like it's enough, but it's all I have to tell you how much we appreciate it all.

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