Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chemo Eve Thankfulness

Ran to the store to buy ginger, sweet potatoes and watermelon. The steroid I took today jump started my appetite so much I felt that the cookies and chocolate were leaning off the shelves, trying to entice me to take them home (my poor version of some horror film). I was fortunate to have a list and I stuck to it (with the exception of a box of whole-wheat crackers to have on hand, just in case.) I was warned that the steroid would increase my appetite, so I prayed specifically that wouldn't do me in. Even though I was tempted by the food, God provided a way out (my list and walking fast!). When I got home, I grabbed a finger-full of the cut up cabbage, tomatoes and red pepper leftover from the fish tacos I made last night. Wow, did that taste good! It is satisfying my appetite, plus it's so good for me. A coincidence? I think not! Thanks, God.

I do have more energy than I've had for a long time. Right now I'm attacking the school closet where the boys store their books and materials. Today is our official last day of school, but we've only been doing math for the past week or so. Now I'm going to try to get the room in shape to prepare for my sister's and niece's visit next week. (You both will probably read this, but don't expect much, just a little less clutter!) So for a strong finish to the school year and energy, thank you, God (#2).

Ben made it on a post-season tournament baseball team, so he has his first practice tonight. Nathan also has his end-of-the year baseball party tonight; Walt and I will divide and conquer again. I'm so excited that Ben has made this team to give me something to look forward to as I come out of this first round of treatment. Nothing like watching my son play baseball (my favorite sport) to take my mind off what's happening right now. So for fun things to distract, even tonight, thank you, God (#3).

Monday was my hard day this week. I felt I needed to get a handle on how to best prepare for chemo. I filled my mind with cancer info before I had my quiet time with God. I was feeling a bit overloaded when I walked away from the computer and found my bible. On top of my bible was a bookmark from the Women's Retreat this year, with the verse, "My grace is sufficient for you..." 2 Corinthians 12: 9. Big sigh of relief. That night I took Nathan to his scout meeting and ran into a good friend who also home schools. She hadn't heard about my cancer, and she could tell I was struggling emotionally, so she offered to pray for me. Her daughter had a serious medical condition, so her words were especially uplifting and comforting.  Even though emotionally, Monday was hard and the tears flowed freely, I felt such a peace praying with her. Thank you Chris! And most of all, thank you God! (#4)

Tonight, my kids will all get to go to friends' houses and be able to enjoy a fun day tomorrow. I am so thankful for these friends, who again, are willing to walk alongside us during this journey. Thank you,God (#5).

Today, I feel more confident about tomorrow than I've felt all week. I know God was waiting for me on this day, to provide strength and peace. Even though the steroid could cause anxiety, I feel like this day was already prepared and shaped through God's hands, and I am just walking in it. I know I won't get everything done on my "to do" list today, but that's okay. I will do the most important things, and that's enough. Thank you, God, for being here today! (#5)

From Jesus Calling devotional from today: Your part is to live close to Me, open to all that I am doing in you...Just keep focusing on Me as we walk through this day together. Enjoy My Presence, which permeates you with Love, Joy and Peace.

And, on Facebook, my friend Sue shared this devotional: "God will take us and change us into something more than we could have ever dreamed--if we refuse to give up and just keep running the race that is set before us!"

Coincidences that these words spoke so clearly to me today? I think not! Thank you God! (#6)

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