Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chemo #4

We got out of there in record time today... left around 2 p.m. My blood counts are all really high thanks to the four shots I had last week. I'll still have my regularly scheduled shots on Friday and Saturday, but hopefully that'll be all I need this week, and I can recover my strength quicker than last time. My doctor and I discussed my tummy troubles and it looks like my salsa and spicy food cravings I have once I can eat again (remember most foods taste like cardboard to me, so the spicy foods actually taste like something), are not a good idea with my stomach. The chemo drugs really do a number on the stomach lining, so I'll need to stick to more bland foods to protect it. I plan to also stay clear of salads and raw veggies and limit dairy as those are all hard to digest. She also noticed my tears that I thought came from the Herceptin, but she thinks it's from the Taxotere.  With so many drugs in my system at any given time, it's probably hard to know what really is causing what. It's probably all contributing in some way. She recommended I check in with an ophthalmologist to make sure my tear ducts don't suffer from scaring. She meant to leave a name for me, but I'll have to get it tomorrow when I go in for my shot. I also will do a followup echo for my heart right before my second Herceptin-only infusion during this cycle. Herceptin has been known to cause damage to the heart, so we'll see if I'm at risk for that. I haven't noticed any pains or shortness of breath, so I'm hopeful that everything should check out okay. Something to pray for, of course.

 My doctor also suggested Prilosec to help with the stomach problems and recommended getting it at Costco since their three pack costs as much as a one pack at the drugstore. Since we got out of chemo so early, Walt and I stopped at the Woodinville Costco on the way home. We had a fun time, especially since this was just Walt's second time navigating this store. (The last time he braved the store was when he bought a cake for my surprise birthday party last September.) He bought some dress shirts, a jacket, two pairs of pants (one we'll need to return because it didn't fit right)...probably more clothes shopping than he had done all year, but he admits the prices are unbelievable. Our three-item-list soon turned to a $200 cart, but isn't that the way it usually goes there? On the way out, I couldn't pass up the 3-scoop stracciatella gelato  in a waffle cone. It may be one of the last foods I'll eat in while, and even though I am trying to cut down on dairy, it was worth every cool bite as we drove home. Walt had a berry smoothie...not as decadent, but much easier to navigate in the 90 degree heat while driving through traffic.

I read my Jesus Calling devotional while sitting in the chair this morning. She suggested focusing on the verse in Philippians 4:8... everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Think on those things..

So I decided to think on each word and write one thing that stands out in my mind. Here is the list I came up with this morning:

True: God's love for me. The Bible is filled with verses on the depth of God's love, but the one I carry with me in my purse is... when I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. (Psalm 94:18) That is truth to me. I'll never be alone.

Noble: The first thing I thought of was my husband. He has supported me, loved me, and joined me on all the important appointments on this cancer journey. He has rearranged his schedules, all while having one of his most stressful years at work and picking up the slack at home when I'm not able. Every chemo day he is sitting with me for hours, usually in a tight corner and feeling in the way, sometimes reading to me or sharing some news. Each time I look over at him, I'm so thankful that God brought him into my life. When we were dating and newly married, we used to enjoy running together. He continues to be my favorite running partner during this race.

Right: Fighting this cancer with all my strength, a good attitude, and asking for help when needed.

Pure: James 1: 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds...
Joy is pure. I've been thinking a lot on joy this week. Our pastor preached an amazing sermon on it last Sunday. As my usual method, I took copious notes during the message. There were lots of things that really spoke to me,  but one verse especially stood out, perfect for me as I enter into this hard week. It's Nehemiah 8:10 ...for the joy of the Lord is your strength... So that means the more joyful I am in the Lord, the more strength I'll receive. Sounds like a good plan! I have been reading so much on joy these days, that I might create its own post. Right now, I need to move onto...

Lovely:  I immediately thought of our backyard with the roaring waterfall and blooming flowers. Even though this year we haven't had the time to do all the pruning, weeding or planting of flowering annuals (Walt has been out there working hard when he can, but his time is limited with all he's got going on this year), it is still my favorite place to pull up a chair in the shade with a cold drink and a good book. During my hard week, it is my place for respite and healing.

Admirable: Since I'm writing this during chemo, I think of all the brave men and women in all the rooms surrounding me (three in and out for quick procedures in the chair next to me today). My eye is drawn to the chair across the hall where a younger man with a Seahawk baseball hat covering his bald head receives fluids. He's joined by his cute wife who is carrying a round baby bump. Can't even imagine going through cancer and a new baby at the same time. He looks familiar to me, but I don't know if I know him or if I just recognize the fighting spirit of a fellow cancer warrior. Admirable.

So these are the things I'm thinking of today, during the heat, as my body works through all the effects of my latest infusions.I'm feeling tired but good right now. God, as always, is on my side, and I'm bolstered by the prayers of my support team all over the country. Only two more to go! It feels like there is a light starting to show at the end of this long tunnel.

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