Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Before Chemo

Even though I've been trying to be super careful (careful but not perfect) on what I am eating right now, I'm still experiencing a bit of tummy trouble. Monday night and Tuesday afternoon it felt just a bit upset, nothing drastic but not myself. Fortunately, it has not turned into diarrhea (I need to look up that word everytime I use it and as often as I use it, I should know how to spell it by now!). When I have those bouts, though, I've been trying to not push things, especially since our temps are a bit warmer these days. I have also stopped eating dairy as my good friend Tiffany suggested since it's hard on the digestive system anyway.

Today I'm feeling better. We just got back from the park where we, thankfully, had a covered shelter so I could get out of the sun. Becca went to a friend's house, and the boys are packing for a sleepover tonight.   (Well, they are probably playing the wii  or watching tv by now.). On my chemo days, I try to farm the kids out to various places so they aren't stuck inside on these nice summer days for as long as Walt and I are gone. Becca has her riding lesson tomorrow, so we are going to drop her off at a friend's house on the way to the hospital, and she will get a ride to the barn where she'll work all day until her lesson. Last night I found out that one of Becca's best friends who just joined her barn will have lessons at exactly the same time, starting next week. So, for my last two chemos, I'll have another option for her to get to the barn. That is God's way of providing me some easy help right now. Thank you, God!

As much as I'm enjoying feeling a little better, I don't mind going into chemo tomorrow. It'll mean I'm one more step closer to being done. I had a nice chat with my sister Patty today, and she told me of a  lady she works with who went through this five years ago and has been fine. I love hearing those stories because it helps me remember why I am running this race, why I go through all the side effects and changes, so that I can be able to say one day, "Yes, I remember those days well, and while it was one of the hardest challenges I've ever gone through, it was worth it because cancer is now in the past." That is my hope and prayer. And I'm trusting God with all the details.

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