I got this great hat from my friends Pam and Krista for my birthday last month. It is the perfect hat for fall. This morning, as we were getting ready for church, I got into the picture-taking mood. 
Here I am with Nathan and Ben and their blue striped shirts
My sister Cindy and I
Cindy came to visit for the weekend. She and my niece Nicole took me out to dinner to celebrate the end of chemo on Saturday. I wish I had thought to bring my camera to the restaurant. We had so much fun. Even though it was the third time I ordered fish tacos at this restaurant, I don't remember them ever tasting this good. It's great to enjoy food again.
When we got home, Walt and I taught Cindy how to play Mexican Train dominoes. We only lasted a few rounds before I had to call it quits because I was tired. Most nights I am ready for bed by 8 or 9 pm. (Not sure why I'm still up writing this at 10:23...)
I actually need to go take a bath right before I head to bed. With my pains in my muscles, I have enjoyed soaking in warm water and Epsom salts. I start radiation tomorrow, and I think I'll need to avoid baths. My skin will be very delicate and I want to try to protect it as much as possible. So, tonight will be the last bath in several weeks...
When Cindy came, she delivered a gift from my siblings and my dad. Every one sent Cindy checks, she cashed them, and gave me an envelope of cash. She said Patty had the great idea to help pay for gas to and from the hospital for my daily trips for the next seven weeks. I was touched beyond words at their thoughtfulness. I haven't even counted how much it is, but the envelope is thick and full of 20s. What a great family I have! I am blessed.
In anticipation of my radiation tomorrow, I was thinking about the need to hold my breath to move my heart away from harm. I think God orchestrated this so I would keep my mind on Him while I was undergoing the procedure. When I hold my breath, I am going to trust that God will hold my heart and protect it from any damage. Just like He's walked the other parts of this journey with me, I know He will be with me during radiation.
I hope to find time tomorrow to post how my first radiation treatment went... Until then, I'm off to take my last bath...
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