Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Musings

In Our House...
 We Do Real
We DO Mistakes
We do I'm Sorry
We do second chances
We do FUN
We do Hugs
We do Forgiveness
We do loud really well
We do Family
We do LOVE.

Becca and I went shopping in Snohomish this afternoon. We found a sign with these words (or similar...couldn't remember them exactly and am too tired to make the trek downstairs to read them) and fell in love with it. We also found a small candle that smells like a cinnamon roll...  After shopping, we tried to add in a bit longer of a walk but got caught in the rain. Instead, we darted into a shoppe where I had to treat Becca to a strawberry crepe while I sipped on a cappuccino in a real mug. Perfection! We had a terrific time. This is what Sundays are for!

When we got home, Walt and Nathan were playing scrabble. Nathan was having trouble forming a word without a vowel. He asked for my help. I saw an A that we could make into STAR...oh, wait, make that STARK for a triple letter score.... because he formed three words with at once, he was able to rack up over 30 points on one move! Not bad for my chemo-recovering mind! I can do somethings pretty well now. One of the things I have recovered quickly is my ability to add. I think since we concentrate on math a lot at home, I've been able to fine tune that part of my brain. Words, which had been my strength prior to chemo, still are hard for me sometimes. This afternoon at home, Becca asked what was up with the curve in a spoon she grabbed from the drawer. I told her it was used for spaghetti. What I meant to say was for scooping out ice cream...Yup, not even close.

Then when I got home later this evening, I noticed a banana peel on the coffee table. I instructed a child to throw away that apple peel... and didn't even know I said that until that same child brought it to my attention. Well, at least the word was in the same category this time! Part of it is the normal busy mom distraction and the beginning of old age symptoms... Then add in the effects of chemo, and sometimes the results are kind of funny. Writing doesn't come as easily to me as before. I'm thankful for this blog as it does give me a place to keep practicing. Chemo-brain can last as long as a year, I'm told.... but, I should be able to use it as an excuse for any spacey thing I do from now on, right?

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