Thursday, March 21, 2013

Teaching in our Co-Op

Today was my first turn at teaching in our literature/writing co-op. We had a big planning meeting last spring to sign up for which books and classes we wanted to teach. Back then, I had all my hair and a few extra pounds. I hadn't started treatment yet. I had this huge hurdle to cross and had no idea what it would take to do it. We purposely scheduled my turns toward the end of the school year, not knowing how long my recovery would be or when I'd have the strength to add in the extra work involved. For a few days, when I thought my cancer might have spread in my back, I wished I had at least taught a couple of times in January and February when I was feeling good. In those middle-of-the-night wanderings of my mind, I didn't want to let anyone down.

Well, today I felt strong, too, and we had a terrific time. I discussed the incredible book, Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis with a talented group of mostly 6th and 7th graders.

It was fun researching ideas, chewing on story charts, considering vocabulary words and activities, and prepping for this class. This week, either in the dentist office or the car while I waited for my kids, I carried my copy of the book, with my blue post-its marking key passages fanning out of the pages. In class today, we laughed and discussed and dug into this book. It was a fun day. I feel like it also represented a bit of getting back to normal, pulling my own weight in a co-op again. Next I teach the 8th and 9th graders. Going to start prepping for that tomorrow.

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