Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 of Thankfulness

Back in April when I got the call from Evergreen Hospital  to return for another mammogram and diagnostic ultrasound because something showed up on my routine mammogram, I remember calling Walt at work. I tried so hard to be brave, but the moment I heard his voice, I started crying. When I was able to pull myself together and explain what was happening, he asked if I wanted him to come to the appointment. I told him I did but I knew he was busy at work. He said work wasn't as important as being there for me when I needed him.

Throughout this journey, he has done an amazing job supporting me. While we were gathering information from the doctors about my diagnosis and treatment plan, he rearranged his schedule to be at those meetings. He came to every one of my chemo days and most of my followup appointments. One of the first meetings we had after finding out I had cancer was with Dr. Hunter, who is both a radiation oncologist and medical director of the cancer program at Evergreen. After we were told that I would need chemo because of the aggressive nature of my cancer, Walt told him that it's during times like this that we live out our faith. While we don't question God when we receive blessings, we shouldn't question why when He gives us something difficult. It is this faith and direction for our family that I admire in Walt. Throughout my surgeries, chemo and now radiation, he has been by my side supporting and encouraging me.  He picked up the load I could no longer perform at home, in addition to being extremely busy at work. Even though I experienced pain, hair loss, nausea and fatigue, Walt had to watch me go through all this. It's not an easy task. On this second day of thankfulness, I am thankful for my amazing husband.

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