Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Thankfulness #1

During this month of Thanksgiving, I plan to shift my focus in my posts to thankfulness. I can't promise I'll post every day, but I already have a long lists of things swirling in my mind to include this month.

The first thing I'm thankful for (these are not in any order, just random thoughts each day...) is good weather for driving to the hospital each day. I know I'm just in my first week of radiation and I have a long way to go, but I'm thankful that I didn't have to drive to the hospital in a hurricane or snow or ice, for that matter.  Today as I was driving, I wondered how many people on the East Coast weren't able to get to their treatments this week because of Hurricane Sandy. Along with good weather, I am thankful for my car that has been so dependable through all my trips back and forth from the hospital.

Today,I'm not feeling the fatigue as badly. It's 9 p.m. and I still have energy even though it was a busy day. After taking a morning walk and helping the kids with schoolwork, I drove the kids to their English co-op. I left early to make it to my radiation appointment and arranged for the kids to get rides home. When I returned, it was time to take Becca to her horseback riding lesson, Nathan to a friend's house, pick up Ben from his friend's, and watch the end of Becca's lesson. Becca is learning to jump, and it's fascinating to watch her maintain balance while riding bareback and clearing a jump. Really fun. By the time we all made it home, it was dark. I made a quick soup for dinner to serve along with the leftover pizza from last night. It's been a good day. So thankful that I can participate in it.

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