Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

Walt and I just got back from a walk on the trail behind the Mill Creek Towne Center. I haven't completed this walk since my 5th chemo, so it is fun today to feel so strong. I'm a bit stiff and sore, but otherwise feeling well.

I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. That Tiffany is cooking the turkey today cannot be appreciated enough! I am so thankful for her!

Since starting on this race, I have been able to see things from a different perspective. Before, I would be almost cavalier in thanking God for health. I've never had a health problem, not even a little one, before this. My kids and husband are healthy. It's easy to take such an important thing for granted.

Even though I am finishing up treatment to rid my body of any potential lingering cancer cells, I am still so grateful for my health. I was strong enough to get through chemo with minimal side effects. Even though the nausea was hard to deal with, it wasn't life threatening. Some people have needed to be hospitalized because of infection or some adverse reaction to the drugs. My heart is strong and not suffering any ill effects from the life-saving Herceptin that I receive. Advancements in technology make side effects of radiation minimal, and my body has been able to manage even those with minimal skin redness and soreness so far.

This scare has also made me more aware of the importance of nutrition and exercise, which will be a long term benefit even beyond cancer. I cannot take for granted the taste of icy cold water or warm tea or a latte, all things that tasted terrible while on chemo.  All food tastes wonderful to me these days, and I'm going to enjoy every mouthful of Thanksgiving dinner today.

I am thankful for the lessons to live in the moment, to enjoy today, to depend fully on God and trust Him through all circumstances, and to not worry about tomorrow. I am thankful for the time spent with God during this journey.

Last, and most definitely not least, I am thankful for my family and friends. Life is lived more abundantly when shared with such amazing people. Thanks to everyone who has touched my life in such incredible ways. I wouldn't have been able to see my blessings so clearly without going on this cancer journey, so yes, today I can say, I'm thankful for everything that I've gone through.

 Happy Thanksgiving!

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