Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day #4: Nathan

 Nathan, manning his post at our church's Big Fall Bash, always willing to help
Coming in for a breather at a soccer game earlier in the season

Today, I am thankful for my son, Nathan. Since he was little, Nathan has always been curious about things. His voice asking questions was a constant in our home (and still is, for that matter.)  When he was 4 years old, Nathan wanted to do the same math as his older sister, who was in first grade. When I showed him a kindergarten book he could do, he said he wanted to do what Becca was doing. I thought eventually he'd get off the bus when it got too hard, but he never did. I love that God gave him an ability to grasp mathematical concepts easily. He quietly does his schoolwork each day and is often helping out his brother with math. I am thankful that he has a sensitive spirit and is always eager to pitch in wherever help is needed. He notices things I do for the kids, always thanking me for running them around to practices and other activities. Our family wouldn't work as well without our middle child, and I'm thankful that I get to experience life with him.

So, it's Sunday evening and I'm switching gears from a fun weekend where I did things like see Nathan play soccer and hang out with a great group of other homeschooling moms. Tomorrow morning will be filled with the kids' co-op classes. I will get my walk in around the parking lot while the kids are in their classes. Then I'll run them home to finish their schoolwork, and I'll head to the hospital for radiation treatment #6.  On Friday, I have my Herceptin infusion before radiation,  which will be interesting since the cancer center I've been going to since June is opening tomorrow in their new location next to radiology. Since they are now part of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, I'll need to fill out new registration info and learn new procedures.. My doctor and all the nurses will be the same, though.  Herceptin is such an easy infusion, too, so the morning might even be fun.

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