Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful For My Friends

I can't imagine going through this journey without my wonderful friends. I'm able to be home right now because the Comstocks were willing to take Nathan to the scout meeting tonight. With Walt out of town, I feel pretty stretched and tired. This weekend was busy getting the kids to all their activities (with the help of other friends, of course). After I got home from treatment today, I only had time to do a few dishes, follow up on some of the kids' school,  and catch my breath before running Ben to his soccer practice.  I am so thankful that I didn't have to take Nathan to scouts, too. We would have gotten there late, and since the meeting was at a new location tonight, I would have had the stress of figuring out where we were going. So, here is another of the many times during this journey that I've been so thankful for my friends.

Today, after I was done with my radiation treatment, I sat up and noticed for the first time how high I was from the ground. All this time, I thought the machine swung down to me, when in fact the table I lie on is lifted up to the machine. It's a weird feeling to have your perspective switched so suddenly. I hadn't noticed this before because as soon as I lie down, I put on the goggles with the computer screen on the inside of the lens, and I don't see anything else when I undergo treatment.

When I got down, Chris, the student tech, pointed out the stool that Janet, who is quite short, uses to do her measuring.  I hadn't noticed that either. We were all laughing when I left.

Laughing in the face of cancer treatment feels good. I read Psalm 16 today and focused on verses 8 and 9:

 I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore,  my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

Tomorrow Becca and I need to take Sugar to the vet for a minor surgery. She has a growth on her chest that started really small, and since I didn't want to deal with it during my chemo treatments, we postponed having it removed. During these past months, it's really grown. While she is under anesthesia, she'll also get the tarter on the back of her teeth scraped off, which should keep her gums healthy. I hope her recovery is quick, but since this is our first experience with anything like this, we have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow.

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