Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve

Yesterday as I was lying on the table, measured and positioned exactly to the right specifications, my goggles on and arms above my head, I waited for the breathing instructions, “Go ahead and hold into the blue for a film.” Suddenly, I felt an urge to cough. I tried to suppress it, but it kept tickling. Maybe one cough will clear it out, I thought. One cough led to a second and a third. It was only getting worse. My techs came back into the room and offered me a drink of water and said I could sit up and take off the goggles, if I needed to. Sitting up, a couple of coughs and a drink of water cleared my throat. I lay back down and told them I was sorry as they began to measure everything again. They smiled and said they understood. Everyone I've met in the radiation oncology department has been amazing. I was able to make it through my five breath holds without another incident.

This rare coughing attack brought to mind how thankful I am that I haven’t suffered any serious illness while my immune system has been compromised. I haven’t even had a cold. I think yesterday’s cough was from dryness as I haven’t had any other symptoms. This time of year, I hear about so many people falling to a cold or the flu, and they have normal levels of white blood cells. 

Without a doubt, I know God is protecting me. I told Walt the other day that I feel like He’s placed a bubble around me during chemo and now during radiation. I have been a bit careless as of late, not washing my hands quite as much, even touching shopping carts without sanitizing them first. As much as I know God has my back, I also need to be smart and keep vigilant with my hand sanitizer. 

Today's appointment went without a coughing attack or any other problem. I just counted and I've finished 18! That's over halfway. Today the man who goes in right before me finished his last treatment. His wife always sits quietly in the waiting room, playing a game on her I-Phone. Today she chatted with me about her daughter and grandson. I am almost sorry they won't be around anymore. (Glad that they are finished with their treatment, though.) Another lady who works as a nurse in the hospital greeted me as she was leaving today with a quick, "I have only three more to go!" Good for her. It really goes quickly. I might even miss this experience when I'm done. 

I met with Dr. Hunter today and he called me a star. He said my films are excellent, that the techs and I are working together to use the breathing technique perfectly so that I shouldn't suffer any long term side effects. My skin is still holding up. I have noticed more fatigue creeping in every day. It's 8:30 p.m. and I can't wait to hit the sack. 

Becca's downstairs making Rainbow Jello for our feast tomorrow. She's making 12 layers, with time needed for each layer to set. I'm proud of her diligence.  I gave up. I'm tired. We are heading out to our friends, the Sanders, tomorrow.  I am thankful that Tiffany is roasting the turkey and making stuffing and mashed potatoes, baking pies...all the hard stuff. I went to Costco and picked up rolls and bread, some veggies, and a pie. All I have to do tomorrow is put things together, roast brussel sprouts (my new favorite veggie), and haul everything down the street to celebrate Thanksgiving. It's going to be a fun day!

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